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SAIL OF HOPE - Nikola Malović

  • SAIL OF HOPE - Nikola Malović
7.55 EUR
7.93 USD
899.00 RSD


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  • Za kupce iz inostranstva važeća cena je EUR / US$
Trudimo se da stanje magacina bude uvek ažurno. Ukoliko je artikal ipak rasprodat i ne možemo da ga isporučimo - obavestićemo vas u što kraćem roku od trenutka prijema vaše narudžbenice.
Troškovi isporuke nisu uračunati u cenu proizvoda. Oni se posebno naplaćuju. Troškovi isporuke biće prikazani na samom kraju procesa naručivanja, neposredno pre nego što ostavite podatke za isporuku.
Product name: SAIL OF HOPE - Nikola Malović
Zagarantovana sva prava kupaca po osnovu zakona o zaštiti potrošača.

Sail of Hope is a novel about the phenomenon of the most famous, most seductive and most adventurous fashion design in the world ‒ the sailor shirt. The story takes place in the Baroque, fairytale town of Perast, in Boka Kotorska, the only fjord in the Mediterranean.

Nikola Smekja is an ambitious fashion industrialist from Bari, who, at the invitation of the mayor, returns to Perast, town of his ancestors, in order to restart the traditional production of sailor shirts.

Through a love story in the officially most beautiful Bay in the world, Malovic depicts a time in which we completely depend on technology. Google has evolved, taken the role of God and oversees everything and everyone.

Sail of Hope guides the reader to the finale with the researched claim that Christopher Columbus was a convert, of Jewish origin, because it is strange that on three boats 1492 there is no Catholic priest, and Luis de Torres, a Hebrew interpreter, sails with them, which throws a new light on history as we know it.

Format: 13x20 cm
Broj strana: 336
Pismo: Latinica
Povez: Mek

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