Ukupna cena:

Domaća Knjižara, odnosno Mala SRB Prodavnica d.o.o. posluje u skladu sa zakonima Republike Srbije i poštuje prava svojih kupaca. Ukoliko ste u bilo kakvoj nedoumici, molimo vas da nas odmah kontaktirate, telefonom ili putem emaila. Svi naši kontakti se nalaze na stranici "Kontakt". Budite bez brige, u takvim slučajevima ćemo rešiti problem u vašu korist.



U slučaju:

·         isporuke robe koja nije naručena, i

·         isporuke robe koja ima materijalne nedostatke



Reklamaciju možete uputiti putem emaila ili na telefon +381 11 3187630

Mi smo dužni da o žalbi Kupca odluči u roku od 7 dana od dana prijema žalbe, i da o ishodu postupka po žalbi odmah obavesti Kupca, pismenim ili usmenim putem.


Pri vraćanju ili zamene artikala isti spakujte u originalnu ambalažu i pošaljite na dole navedenu adresu. Prilikom povraćaja svi artikli MORAJU biti u originalnom stanju - nenošeni i neiskorišćeni jer u suprotnom nećemo moći da uradimo povraćaj. Ukoliko Kupac u roku ne vrati originalnu robu,  zadržavamo pravo da Kupcu ne isporuči novu robu, odnosno, da ne izvrši povraćaj cene i troškova povraćaja robe.

Tom prilikom pravilno napišite svoju adresu jer u protivnom nećemo biti u mogućnosti da vam obezbedimo povraćaj.

Adresa za povraćaj robe

Mala SRB Prodavnica d.o.o.
Nehruova 51A 227 / lokal 120
11070 Novi Beograd



You have the right to cancel any order you make for any product (other than personalised products and audio/video recordings or software which you may have unsealed or magazines) purchased through the online store and you will receive a full refund. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, return it to us within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt in an unworn/unused condition for a full refund or exchange. When returning products to us for refund or exchange, you must pay for the appropriate postage costs. If a full refund is applicable or the exchange has been caused by an error on our part then we will refund the postage you have paid on receipt of the returned product.

If you wish to exchange or return any product then please send the product back with completed returns form through the post to:

Mala SRB Prodavnica d.o.o.
Nehruova 51A 227 / lokal 120
11070 Novi Beograd

Please wrap products securely, fix the returns label safely to the parcel and attach appropriate postage. Please remember to include your completed returns form and give the reason for return and any new requirements. Should you have any queries regarding a return then please refer to us by e-mail or using the links in contact section at the bottom of every page. We want you to feel confident about shopping through the online store. If you have a problem, or are unhappy with your purchase, then we will put the matter right, please contact us using the links in our contact section, accessible from the foot of every page.